Partner Shipment Notification

NOTE: Use this form to assure that your end customers receive the full warranty period for their Motoman robots and controllers.

    Partner Name*

    Partner Address*

    Partner Contact*

    Partner Telephone*

    Contact Email*




    End User Company*

    Full Site Address*

    End User Contact

    Contact Telephone

    Contact Email




    Motoman Robot Model

    Manipulator Serial Number

    Controller Serial Number

    Date of Shipment to End User*

    Motoman Robotics Warranty ID Number*

    Motoman Robotics Invoice Number



    Submitting this form to Yaskawa Motoman allows the end user to receive the full warranty period. With proper form submission, time at the integrator (not to exceed 180 days) does not diminish the end user's warranty period. If the form is not submitted at the time of shipment from the integrator to the end user, the end user warranty will be valid from the date of shipment from Motoman to the integrator.